Special offers
for Open Source and Academic projects
We support all effort of creating and sharing knowledge with the people. This is why we offer 50% discount on all our Business licenses for Academic project. And if you are running an Open Source project, you may get SubGit for free!
You may apply for 50% Academic discount, if you are:
- an educational institution;
- an administrative office or board of education;
- a public library;
- a home-school program;
- a research institute;
- a teaching hospital;
- a training and teaching organizations;
and you are accredited by a government body in your country, or associated with an accredited institution. We may request your logo to place it on our list of distinguished customers.
You may apply for a free Open Source license, if your project has a publicly accessible website and its source code is available for download.
- Such license is provided for 1 Git repository and for the period of 12 months (but can be renewed).
- We may request a link to SubGit on your website and/or a review of our product in the social media.
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